What Should I do with Customer Testimonials?

One of the most effective ways to end a survey is by asking respondents to leave additional thoughts or feedback. Typically, respondents will include information on what they enjoy most about your business, as well as where they notice room for improvement. If a respondent shares a testimonial you would like to use for marketing purposes, such as on your website or social media, you must get permission. One way to obtain permission is by including an option to acknowledge consent, such as, “I agree that the information below may be used as a testimonial on future marketing materials”. If given permission by the respondent, their feedback can be repurposed through various marketing efforts to increase revenue, trust, intrigue, and more. Here are 5 reasons why you should include customer testimonials throughout your company’s marketing materials.

1. Increase Business

Testimonials play a major role in influencing the purchasing decisions of your buyers. In fact, nearly 97%1 2 of consumers agree that online reviews have played a role in their purchasing decisions. Highlighting these reviews across a variety of online platforms, like social media or your website, can significantly increase their visibility.

2. Showcase Your Services

Many businesses struggle with equally representing and highlighting all of their services. One way to ensure your customers are aware of all that you offer is by publishing testimonials that call out specific products and services. Not only will this increase awareness, but it will also increase your reputation among your target audience.

3. Establish Trust & Credibility

Using customer testimonials throughout your marketing efforts is a simple way to establish trust and credibility. Customers get bombarded with thousands of ads every day. This can make many businesses marketing efforts go unnoticed. Ultimately, people want to know if your product or service solved a problem from an actual customer. Consumers are smart enough to know that a business will claim they are the best at what they do. They are more likely to trust the feedback they read from a fellow customer, rather than the business itself. This makes sharing positive customer feedback a no-brainer.

4. Create Desire

Positive testimonials can be a powerful tool in creating intrigue and desire among prospects and leads. It’s natural human behavior to always want what others have. Testimonials can accomplish this by showcasing a positive experience from a customer. This type of storytelling can invoke confidence about your business within a prospective client while also promoting your skills and competitive advantage.

5. Show Customer Appreciation

Only if given permission, including customer names when reposting testimonials can be an effective way to show your appreciation. Customers who see their name or business within your marketing materials are likely to share this content with their friends, family, and colleagues. Plus, it reiterates to prospective customers that someone was so satisfied with your business, they took time out of their day to leave a public review.

When it comes to customer feedback surveys, leave it to the professionals. Our skillful staff of survey experts are on-hand, and ready to partner with your business. For more information on why eAutoFeedback should be your web-based survey application, check out our web page or give us a call.

1 PowerReviews, "The Growing Power of Reviews"
2 Fan & Fuel, "No online customer reviews means BIG problems"

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